What Should I Bring

Please Bring To Your Appointment
- Current insurance card
- A list of all current medications
- Completed Patient Registration Forms (These can be printed off of our website under Registration Forms, or they will be mailed to you in a new patient packet.)
- Patient Information Form
- Dental Medical History Form
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Current Bitewing X-rays (taken within the last year)
- Current Panoramic X-rays (taken within last 3 years)
- Although we do request X-rays from your previous dental office, we often do not receive them by your appointment date. To expedite your treatment and diagnosis, we recommend bringing the current X-rays to your first appointment.
- X-rays taken longer than a year ago are not necessary for your initial appointment
Completing these forms prior to your arrival will speed your registration process and assist us in providing you the best possible care.