What Can I Expect

What Can I Expect at My First Visit?
Our office is set apart from most other dental offices by the thoroughness of our new patient exam. A common misconception is that the first treatment you receive at a dental office is a cleaning. At Hollar Dental Group, we place a very high value on knowing our patient in depth before recommending any treatment, including which type of cleaning is best for your individual needs. A thorough review of your personal medical history, family history, current status of your gum condition, and several other factors determine the best type of dental cleaning for you. Remember, the six-month cleaning interval is NOT ideal for many patients. Once we make this determination, you will quickly be reappointed with one of our hygienists for the type of cleaning best suited to you.
At your first visit with us, one of our professional assistants will be taking a short series of dental digital photographs, as well as X-rays (full mouth and cavity detecting). We are proud to offer state of the art digital X-rays. Digital X-rays decrease radiation from what was already a low amount, to now an insignificant amount. Responsible, professional dental care relies on providing a firm foundation on which we can base recommendations for your dental health. Feel assured that we will only recommend the necessary X-rays needed and that we take every precaution possible to provide a safe environment.
Your doctor then will extensively review your medical and dental history, as well as perform oral cancer, gum disease, and TMD screening. Both short term and long term treatment goals will be discussed, and a treatment plan will be established that is custom fit for you. Please plan on being at our office for about an hour for your first visit.
Our goal is for you to be happy with our office, knowing that we are unconditionally committed to meeting your dental needs. A misunderstanding can be an obstacle to forming this relationship and we ask that if at any time you have a question about any treatment, fee, or service, please discuss it with us promptly and openly. A long term relationship, giving you the ability to maintain optimum dental health, is what we want for you, your family, and for our own satisfaction. Thank you again for selecting us.