Children’s Dental Care

Children's Dental Care in Warsaw, IN
The doctors at Hollar Dental Group want your child to have the most positive dental experience possible. It is our priority to establish a good rapport with your child in their first few visits in order to develop a lifetime of good dental health. Far too often we see adults that avoid the dentist due to childhood fears and we want to try to prevent that from happening by making your child feel comfortable and safe at the dentist. In order to reduce anxieties and make your child as calm as possible, we have provided a few suggestions to try with your child. To help your child create a healthy lifelong smile, make sure to keep up with their regular appointments. Call us today to make your child's appointment.
When to Start Dental Visits
At ages 2 to 3, bring your child with you to your six- month cleaning appointments. The dentist may ask your child to smile and show them his or her teeth. In exchange, they may get a special treasure from our treasure chest! At ages 3 ½ to 4, your child is ready for his or her first cleaning. Kids do great at this age! We make this a fun experience for your child by letting them choose toothpaste flavors like bubblegum or chocolate chip cookie dough. Kids do best without their parents at this appointment, and will be sure to come out smiling after visiting our treasure chest!
Tips for Successful Dental Visits for Kids
Always start your child's dental experience with a fun easy cleaning. Should we need to see your child back for fillings or other dental treatments, you may find the following suggestions helpful:
How to Talk to Your Child About the Dentist
- We usually find that the less you say prior to the procedure the better. Once your child is in the operatory, we will then perform treatment with the Tell-Show-Do method. We use age appropriate terms such as "tooth whistle" and "Mr. Bunny".
- Be careful about your choice of words. Say, "You get to come back and see the nice dentist" instead of "you have to come back here."
- We may or may not have to use local anesthesia, so please do not tell you child he or she "will be getting a shot." Should local anesthesia be necessary, we refer to it as "sleepy spray" and the numb feeling is "fat and fuzzy" rather than "frozen".
- Be conscious of your facial expressions and body language as they could affect your child. Pre-school aged children are only a few years beyond the non-verbal phase of their lives. Children can interpret silent cues and maternal anxiety without difficulty.
Your Child's Appointment Experience
- Nitrous Oxide or "happy gas" will also be used for your child's treatment unless medically contraindicated. Your child will be completely awake, but more relaxed. Nitrous Oxide also helps decrease they flow of saliva!
- While we understand that you may wish to accompany your child to the treatment area, generally, children handle treatment better when separation occurs in the waiting room, rather than after being seated for treatment.
- Parental trust is significant. Parents, when your child sees that you are confident in the capability of the dentist, it empowers them and helps them to trust the dentist also.
- Parents, your child deserves our undivided attention. If you are in the operatory, you can unintentionally distract the dentist and your child, and furthermore cause the dentist to compete with you for your child's attention. In order for your child to receive the best possible care, they must perceive the dentist as the authority figure.
- If you feel there are extenuating circumstances warranting your presence in the operatory, please feel free to discuss this with your child's doctor prior to the appointment. The two of you may develop a predetermined cue that indicates when it is time for you to leave, should your presence interfere with the treatment objective.
Warsaw, IN Dentist for Children
Parents, we realize that you are usually more nervous than your child! You can rest assured we will do everything possible to make your child's first dental experience great. We are proud to help improve the smiles of your whole family with treatments from teeth whitening and Invisalign. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact our office today. We look forward to seeing you soon!